Keratoma Surgery
Mare was getting abscesses every 2 weeks for a full year. As you can see, somebody dug the distal wall.
After I opened up (with a Veterinarian present ), I found this Keratoma and an infected laminae.
After removing the Keratoma, I applied this amazing product "Thrush-Off" to heal the wound, laminae and dry out the rest of the tumor.
Then I drilled holes to proceed with the stitching.
Stitching the hoof
Stitches are on
A shoe with 2 heel side clips to avoid any expanding of the hoof
My medicine feeding and irrigation tube
Medicine feeding tube in placed
Equibond patch over it
Procedure finished
100% sound with new healthy hoof growth
This thoroughbred mare suffered from chronic abscesses due to a Keratoma in the coronary band. She was lame several times throughout the year. I cleaned the cavities with a Dremel tool to healthy tissue. I opened the coronary band and removed the tumor. We used Trush-Off to heal the wound and it did the job amazingly clean and FAST !
I laced the hoof together with surgical steel sutures to stabilize the hoof from movement.
I put a shoe with side clips to help hold the hoof together.
I put a treatment hose to keep in there so the laminae can be still treat it with Thrush-off.
I put a Equibond hot patch mixed with fiberglass fibers to give the mix more strength.
The mare is now 100% sound.