Longer Pasterns than desired
Notice the hooves are in the air.
Notice how bruised the heels and frog are.
Customized wedge baby glue on shoes.
Foal at 2 weeks old.....Left the shoes on for 8 weeks.
Foal at 3 months old. Problem fixed.
This foal is 1 month old and couldn't stand up on his own and follow the herd because of his conformational faults.Too long pasterns and underslung heels is a very dangerous combination of two conformational faults put together.Too much leverage pulling down and stretching the suspensory ligaments that will give up and torn or stretch leaving scar tissue for ever.
This horse wouldn't survive under the "Natural Selection Law".He needed extra support to compensate his conformational faults in order to get up and survive.
Are we breeding right ?